Wednesday, October 18, 2017

News from Greg King and Penny Wilson

Many of you know that I write books with my friend, Greg King. We have a good few under our belts at this point - but there have always been those subjects that we really, really, REALLY want to write about - but which won't sell to a publisher who - naturally - has to keep an eye on the bottom line. But now, thanks to Amazon's self-publishing facility, we can move ahead on those subjects - and hopefully on many others.

So, I'd like to introduce you to King and Wilson Books. Our first offering will be published in the first few days of December. It's probably the most comprehensive account in English of the Romanov Family and their history in the Crimea - from the first days of casual visits to Alupka to the first estate at Oreanda to the last desperate days of Empire when twenty members of the Romanov Family - the Dowager Empress, her daughter and grandchildren, and the Nicholaievichi Grand Dukes and their families - accompanied by twenty-five ladies and gentlemen and thirty-six servants, left Russia for the last time on board a British battleship, watching Yalta and the shores of their beloved Russia fade into the past.

This book is called "Imperial Crimea: Estates, Enchantment and the Last of the Romanovs." It is written by me, Greg, Sue Woolmans and Coryne Hall. For more details on the book, or to comment, please visit our Facebook page - and we hope you'll "like" us while you're there!

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